Matt Davis returns to the show a year after launching Final Rise to continue our conversation on the vest, address new product launches and talk all things Final Rise
Roughly a year after the launch of Final Rise in 2020, not much has changed since we last spoke to Matt Davis. His vests are still in high demand with which he can hardly keep up (despite his best efforts), he continues to innovate and improve the upland strap vest and he’s still grateful and humbled by the support of the upland community. That said, a few things have changed including some new colors and accessories for his Summit Vest, the launch of the new Legacy Vest, a podcast launch and shooting gloves on the way!
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Tune in to this episode of the Project Upland Podcast to learn more about Final Rise and the man on a mission behind it, Matt Davis.
Instagram | @final.rise
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The Project Upland Podcast is Presented By: onX Hunt, Eukanuba Performance Dog Food, CZ USA, Garmin, Sage & Braker and Dakota 283 Kennels
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